歌詞付き << ここに取り上げていた。2013-11-30






水に映った 白い壁


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2013‎年‎11‎月‎28‎日   吹田市

▶ ウィスキーがお好きでしょ- 石川さゆり- 英訳詩付 Whiskey may your favorite one - YouTube

whiskey may favorite one     in those days and night

would you mind talking with a little more

a kind of story every girls are taking to

I'd love to leave as it is for the time being


the star moves our time on a passing whim

and we had a chance encounter again

once we had sealed our faded love in the bottle

we could not desist from breaking the seal each other


whiskey may favorite one     in those days and night

i wish you feel this saloon  bar is suitable for me

you look as if you had gotten over our memory

once we have had a relationship with


whiskey may favorite one     in those days and night

would you mind talking with a little more

a kind of story every girls are taking to

I'd love to leave as it is for the time being

Miki Tani - YouTube

whimの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書

desistの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書


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